7 Types Of Poses For Photoshoots
Pose No 1;
Hands On Your waist
Hands on
your waist, now if you’re a big girl instead of holding your hands wide apart
bring them closer. Now, avoid your hands upside down on your waist that means
your finger facing back it looks like support your back there is big difference
with what you are trying to communicate with these two hand positions finger
forward shows confidence elegance and power. Finger in back shows that you’re
tired by trying to support your back and it’s not that elegant.
Pose No 2; Match
Legs To Hands
Let’s match
those legs to those hands keep them slightly open this is your wonder women or
super women pose. So this type looks give you in any formal wear dresses like
skirt or pant. So when you get tired you tend to rest on one hip. Now, leave
that for any family photos or Instagram of you get tired. Standing with your
weight equally distributed on both your feet then cross over one foot over
another pointing toes of that foot downwards towards the ground now this looks
for more powerful than sitting on you this will get you the rest you need and also helps you maintaining that
power pose.
Pose No 3;
Standing Poses
Now when you
doing any presentation chances or you will have podium or chair or board around
you , you can use them not just to give
your feet a break but also for some powerful poses in action . So you can lean
on the table or chair with your finger wide open elbow on the podium figures on
the board notice how in all those poses I am taking more space the more space
you take shows more power
Pose No 4;
Sitting Presentation Poses
Now when
you’re sitting cross your legs in away
where you will take more space think of king and queen how did they sit they takes up more space you
don’t always have to sit on the edge of
the chair even when you lean back and sit comfortably make sure to open up one
arm again to take a little more space instead of keeping your arms and elbows
very close to your body which does not show power or confidence now it may
looks a little masculine if you open upper body . Some people consider this is
to be power posed but I feel this draws a awkward attention.
Pose No 5;
Hand On Chin
Touching of
your face is considered as a sign of nervousness everyone say but again how you
touch your face can change what you are trying to communicate for instance
hands on chin. It’s something we see powerful people like Hillary Clinton Steve
Jobs on the cover of his biography it’s the thinking force gesture that says
when the times one tough. I’m going to come up with the solutions
Pose No 6;
Hands On Pocket
When you’re
wearing pant or suit sticking your full hand inside your pocket can look clumsy
and distracting but just stick that thumb out of your pocket and you’re
narrating a completely different story about yourself. Power poses there is a thinking
between looking arrogant and powerful. Also, put finger tips to finger tips
increase your authority.
Pose No 7;
Crossing Arms
your Arms makes you look stand office but research shows that cross your arms
makes you likely to stay on a difficult task. Crossing your arms like this make
your stand office but crossing your arms like this makes look like you’re
engaged in conversation.
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